Dribbling is FIFA 16 Attributes

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We’re talking about today: Dribbling. It’s the attribute that determines how well the player can walk or run whilst in control of the ball. Having high dribbling means you’ll be able to keep the ball closer while dribbling/walking/running, making it harder for the opponent to win it off of you. It has no connection with the ball receiving factor whatsoever, that only has to do with ball control, but as soon as you have the ball ahead of you that’s when dribbling counts, allowing you to get cheap fifa coins past the opponent using dribbles.

If you enjoy dribbling, your players must have good numbers on this attribute. However, here’s an important detail: good dribbling doesn’t necessarily mean the player will have many stars of skill moves. You can find players with 4 or even 5 stars of skill that have low dribbling. Skill moves stars simply qualify the player to perform certain special moves with the ball, whether it’s for dribbling or not, so although these two have similar objectives (dribbles), they aren’t directly connected. It’s also true that when we do choose players with 4 or 5 stars of skill moves, it’s because we actually want to dribble, with or without special moves, so it isn’t enough to choose a player just for his skill moves stars, if you wish to have a skill squad you’ll also have to check dribbling, ball control and balance (which will be discussed in the future).

Starting in FIFA 16 we have a new option for dribbling called the “no touch dribbling”, which allows you to quickly change directions with body dribbles or fake shots. It can be done by any player regardless of attributes, however the execution quality, whether or not the no touch dribbling will be effective depends basically on two factors: the player’s dribbling attribute value and amount of stars of skill moves.

Great Importance | CM, CAM, LM, LW, RM, RW
Medium Importance | ST
Low Importance | CB, LB, RB, CDM

Although dribbling is of great importance for six positions, there’s no doubt CAM is the one that needs it the most, given that the positions LM/LW/RM/RW have players on the sides of the pitch, where they’ll find less opponents and sometimes an open field ahead for them to run. The CMs, since they’re a little more behind, will find themselves free of marking sometimes to receive the ball and pass, but a CAM’s life is tough. Some people see dribbling as an attribute of great importance for strikers, in this case some variation might happen for people that dribble to the extreme, however there’s a very short number of ST’s with high dribbling in the game, only ten with 85 or more.

Gold | Messi 95, Robben 92, Neymar 92
Silver | Luis Muriel 84, Nicolas Lopez 84, Suso 84
Bronze | Allan Saint-Maximin 76, Alfonso Tamay 75, Robbie Brady 75

Due to the similarities and strong connection between dribbling and ball control, here we have the same problem when choosing the players with high stats: the price. They are expensive players, so eventually you’ll need to settle down with some of the great ones, but still not the best, in order to have a team with high dribbling power without having to be an FIFA Ultimate Team Coins millionaire.

Just as it happens to be with ball control, the most adequate formation for a squad of high dribbling is one with the biggest number of midfielders possible, which makes it easier for gathering players with good dribbling and once again, due to the fact that it’s not easy to find STs with expressive stats here.

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